What We Provide
Rural Dial-A-Lift Door to Door Service (Outside of Enniskillen Town)
Dial-a-Lift (DAL) is a door-to-door service for those who live in rural areas and who are rurally or socially isolated due to lack of transport. Dial a lift is a transport option for individuals living in rural areas. We provide this service using our fleet of 16 seater minibuses and volunteer social cars. Passengers can use their Smart Pass on this service.
Home to Hospital, Health & Wellbeing - Out of Area Transport Service (Outside of Fermanagh)
A new affordable and accessible door to door subsidised community transport service to help people with disabilities, people with mobility issues and older people in Fermanagh attend hospital, health and wellbeing appointments in the Western Trust area.
Disability Action Transport Scheme (Within Enniskillen Town)
The Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) provides a transport solution for people living in the town of Enniskillen. FCT provides this service in Enniskillen on behalf of Disability Action.
Group Minibus Hire
We can provide a minibus with or without a driver for the benefit of the local community organisations To reduce costs a group can nominate their own driver if they have an appropriate licence and training.
Driver & Volunteer Training
We provide MiDAS, PATS and Car/ MPV training for all our staff and volunteers as well for member groups and other organisations.
Travel Exclusions for Individual and Group Use
No Airport Runs
No Home to School Runs
No Private Hire Runs